Category | Topics |
Data Analytics DiscussionsFor beginner to expert discussions in the fields of business analytics, data science, machine learning etc
Public Health DataTo discuss public health data on key health areas such as maternal and child health, nutrition, adolescent health, malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and NCDs. Discussions can revolve around data collection, analysis, management and use.
General Public Health DiscussionsFor general discussions on key public health issues, public health news, health communication messages etc.
OpportunitiesFor announcements on public health jobs, internships, volunteer positions, scholarships, fellowships etc. Please verify the authenticity of the information before posting.
EventsFor announcements on public health events like conferences, workshops, and trainings etc.
MSDAT DiscussionFor your reviews, feedback, comments and discussions about the Multi-Source Data Analytics and Triangulation platform owned by the Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria
FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Data SharingThere is need for open data and data sharing to maximally use already collected data. Use this space to request for health data and to share your health data. Remember to include details about the shared or requested data to facilitate data sharing.
Health InformaticsFor discussions on electronic medical/health records, health management information systems such as DHIS2, and other medical information and communication technologies - resources, devices, and methods required to manage and use information in health.
Feature RequestsPost all the features you want implemented in this forum, from the necessary to the crazy. We want to know them all